Fabric On Sale!

1. Fabric Supplies - Inventory slim down sale $6.50 and under includes Melissa Averinos, more!
2. The Fabric Bar - Melissa Averinos Sugar Snap and Sandi Henderson Farmer's Market $7.00/yard and Amy Butler Midwest Modern 2 $6.50/yard until 1/31/09
3. The Quilted Castle - Martin Luther King Day sale 30% off select fabrics, including Flights of Fancy by Paula Prass for Michael Miller. Sale ends 1/20/09
4. Fabritopia! - Sugar Snap by Melissa Averinos and Pop Garden & Bijoux by Heather Bailey $7.50/yard until 1/31/09
5. laniejane - 20% off all Andalucia by Patty Young until 2/1/09. Coupon code: valentine
6. adele hartlep fabrics - Moving sale, 15% off all listings, including Jane Sassaman's Teasel and Lace
7. Pink Chalk Fabrics - 10% off entire order, including Spotted Owl by Alexander Henry, until 1/19/09. Coupon code: JAN2009
8. Hip Fabric and Hip Fabric Etsy - 25% off all fabrics, including Gossip Tree in Papaya from Treetop Fancy by Tina Givens. Hurry, sale ends tonight!
9. Fabritopia! - Freshcut by Heather Bailey $7.00/yard through January
10. A Fabric Outlet - All Heather Bailey $6.99/yard, All Heather Ross $7.49/yard, All Amy Butler Midwest Modern 2 $7.49/yard, All Amy Butler Quilting Solids $7.25/yard
11. Ruby's Daughter Fabric - 20% off Amy Butler until 1/29/09
12. & 13. Dillinger Fabrics - Amy Butler and Michael Miller 20% off, including Farmers Market by Sandi Henderson and Dumb Dots