Brand Ambassador Intro - Becky Jorgensen
Our next 2023 Brand Ambassador is the fabulous Becky Jorgensen. Her designs
will make you want to get out your machine and sew! Her unique quilt blocks
Ideas for Wildflower Boutique Fabrics
My newest fabric line, Wildflower Boutique arrived in stores about a month
ago and I am behind in telling you about it. I meant to let you all know
Introducing Modkid Shelby
The Modkid SHELBY pattern has just been released and this may just be our
most versatile pattern to date! 4 different views x 3 sleeve lengths = 12
Lightning Bugs, Your Questions Answered
Lightning Bugs was one of the most personally important collections that I
have designed, partly because it was my fist ever collection for
495: Making Faces in Fabric by Melissa Averinos
Have you been wanting to take my Making Faces with Melissa workshop but it
hasn't worked out yet?
Well I have a couple of great things to tell you!
Back to the drawing board? Nope, this one is finished. It's raining cats
and dogs? You're getting closer. Every cloud has a silver lining? Close,
but no ci...
The second painting in my Inspired Spaces series is called Welcome (It's
like stepping out of the cold on a brisk autumn day to cozy up by the
fire.) 😊 It...
Spinning Blooms Mini
[image: Spinning Blooms Mini]
I've just finished putting together some tips and techniques for this FREE
Spinning Blooms Mini Quilt pattern now available o...
PDF Pattern Giveaway!!
Hi There!
Im doing a big shout-out to all my Facebook friends for my good friend *Michelle
Golightly *who has authored a beautiful new book called...
Highlighter Rocks with Sunflowers & Lemons
Happy Friday! This week really flew by...Quilt Con is just around the
corner and I am just about ready to go. A few more bundles to fold this
weekend. Toda...
249 … Welcome Scallop Lovers!
I thought this scallop-covered fried chicken truck was a very good omen
when I saw it in San Rafael yesterday ... HELLO & WELCOME to everyone from
Pat Sloa...
Don't Forget! I've moved to a new location!
I'm still blogging! Don't forget, I've moved over to my Shopify Blog! Loads
of great stuff happening there! Here's a hint... Free stuff... pretty
New line - Sealed with a Kiss | Giveaway!
Who's ready for some sweet air mail? Sealed with a Kiss, my newest line
for Robert Kaufman fabrics has just released and will be shipping to stores
in May...
see ya!
i'm pretty sure nobody reads this blog anymore, as i've neglected it so
much over the past year. but for those of you hanging in there following
me, i thou...
Add a bit of color!
Inspired by my fellow FreeSpirit Designer prints, I took them on to design
some unique pieces just for them. I love them and the color is just
sublime, fro...
A farewell to orange
Dear friends, the time has come. This blog is going into retirement. I'm
packing it a suitcase stuffed with coral golf shirts, pumpkin plaid shorts,
and t...
Ready and waiting...
*Last day in the studio before maternity leave*
So, I look pretty happy in this photo, but I tell you what - one week
later, now that my due date has com...
Over there, over there!!
I have big news over on my new site. If you haven't switched over there
yet, you missed the start of this(you can still sign up!), this and this. I
won't b...
Tarragindi Lampshades
Recently custom-made lampshades for Steve and Caroline's lovely home in
Tarragindi, Brisbane.
How elegant are the French Doors? The lampshade on the vinta...
Be a Blessing
At Christmas time I like to think about being a blessing to others as I am
thankful for the blessings in my own life. This Christmas stitchery was
Goodbye goodbye goodbye!
Hi everyone! First. I'm not going to be blogging here anymore. I'll be
blogging here, and building a website in and around this space. It will
take about 2...
Textile Turn Ons | Jenean Morrison's In My Room
Loving these new prints from one of the sweetest people one is ever likely
to meet... Jenean Morrison. Jenean typically rocks the surface design
house, but...
calm before the storm
It's been so quiet here on the blog that you'd think I'd taken the summer
off. I didn't, I swear! The Fox Hollow collection (finally!) came in about
a week...
new playground
Hi there,
Still hanging around here? Just letting you know that I have found a new
You can find all about me here:
- blog: http://mikio....
If there is anyone who is still kind enough to be looking at this poor
neglected blog, thank you!I have decided that I might manage to be a bit
more freque...
RIP Typepad... Sis Boom has a new home!!!
Hi Friends!! In case you don't know, our Sis Boom blog has moved to a brand
new, colorful, beautiful, lively, happy home... right HERE! (click to see!)
We ...
The Hollyhock Quilts Blog Has Moved!
If you haven't visited for the last few days, you may not know that the
Hollyhock Quilts blog has a new address! Visit us now at the NEW Hollyhock
Quilts ...
Ending my Silence on "Sweet Sixteen"
What a crazy year! I don't even know where to begin so I'll just dive in
headfirst with TODAY-8/6/2010, exactly sixteen years ago TODAY, I became a
mother ...
This Blog Has Moved!
Thanks for stopping by! This blog has moved to this address: All previous posts and comments have been
transferred to the new...
Bloggy Love
Wow! I'm getting a warm fuzzy feeling of bloggy love! KirinCo, Hollabee and
Freshly Blended have all mentioned me on their sites which is very
Unity Makes Us Stronger
Unity Makes Us Stronger, Faith Ringgold, 2022. These words seem timely as
the new administration aims a barrage of attacks against democracy and
freedom. I...
Archways Quilt Pattern
Introducing the Archways Quilt Pattern!
It measures 48 1/2" x 60 1/2". (123cm x 154cm) but of course you can add
blocks to make it bigger or take them aw...
How to sew a fabric rug : Tutorial
[image: how to sew a fabric rug]
I started this rug as a bit of an experiment an...
Encore un étui pour son téléphone
Un petit tour par ici car le papa d'Esioleh avait envie d'un étui pour son
téléphone ...celui fait il y a presqu'un an n'a pas tenu. Le simili cuir
que j...
WALK 2.0 Preview 2
WALK 2.0 begins with a chapter entitled "Walking Foot Refresh". Even I need
a little brush up on skills and techniques every once and awhile and I'm
So long, farewell.
We have a big announcement: U-handbag will (for real) cease trading this
autumn/winter 2019. From this Autumn (we will confirm the exact date closer
to the...
Diamonds in the Outback
Happy Friday! Today I finally have photos of this finished quilt! I loved
this one from the start, but I must say, quilting has really changed it for
the b...
Little Half Square Triangles Quilt
I can't even remember when I started making the blocks for this quilt. All
the half square triangles (HST) are from previous quilts that would have
red and white trees!-a completed quilt
I finished my red and white trees! quilt last week. It took me a few days
to get around to hanging it up, but I think it was worth the wait. I LOVE
how i...
Sydney Quilt Show 2018
I had an unexpected opportunity to go to the Sydney Quilt Show last
weekend. So many stunning quilts to see! The intricate workmanship and time
invested ...
double double
When you haven't sewn in a couple of years, your skills start to slide.
Points drift. Lines slip. Add a small dog nudging your pedal foot, and
you're in ...
liesl + co. classic shirt sew along
Join us as we sew through the Liesl + Co. Classic Shirt. There’s no need to
be intimidated! We’ve spread it across five fun days.
After almost a year of living here, I finally built the studio in my back
garden last summer. I'd ordered the log cabin kit back in February of last
year, ...
UKAS: Kåpa si / Long coat´s journey into winter
Denne har vi gledet oss til å lansere! Den er simpelthen helt fantastisk og
alle fortjener en *Kåpa si*! Den er i bruk nesten hele døgnet for tiden,
ute ...
Thank You & Shop Closing
Hello everyone,
After much thought I've decided to close the Petits Détails shop for now.
I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Though I'm not sure whether...
Website moved!
Hi all, if you're coming to this site through the typepad address please
note that the new site and current blog are at Thanks
and hope ...
Fox and Hedgehog Pillows
I recently used my Fancy Fox and Hazel Hedgehog patterns to make some
quilted pillows for a handmade gift exchange. I made my pillows using 16" x
26" IKEA ...
Moved home!
Melly & me has moved To follow my blog and keep up with all that is new
please come and visit me at my new home address
this week's library book
This week's library book was a favorite of mine as a child, *George and
Martha* by James Marshall. There are several George and Martha books, each
Gigantic Sale and Goodbye
I have been postponing this because I hate goodbyes. You might have noticed
my lack of attention lately... I am sorry, but after much deliberation,
Dear Facebook and Flickr user Makena Becker. you are not me. those photos
are not yours. and those children certainly aren't yours either. your
With a mix of emotions that I'm not even going to try to fully analyze,
I've decided to suspend production on Betsy Ross patterns. I've been going
I have been overwhelmed with the mail I’ve received since August from
followers of Weekend Designer. Your kind words and best wishes are much
appreciated. ...
::I’ve Moved!::
Please come visit me at Sew Katie Did! Any links changed to my new domain
would be greatly appreciated! I’ll get to updating mine and adding new
friends ...
March 2025 Monthly Specials
Every month, we have a new batch of specials that we pick out just for you!
If you haven’t had a chance to explore those deals on our site yet this
[image: Flash Sale Fabric - $9 per yard]
Thanks to the newest sale, your Friday just got a little bit brighter!
Check out what we have placed in our
$8, ...
Happy Halloween! A Doan Family Holiday
By now, you guys probably know that Jenny and Ron and their family LOVE
Halloween—the themed costumes, themed food, Halloween quilts and wall
hangings, a...
Understanding Men: Being Yourself
Understanding men and why we choose to be with you drives a lot of women up
the wall. When women ask us, “do you love […]
The post Understanding Men: Bei...
Volksfaden schließt
Das war ein sehr schwerer Entschluss!
Seit einigen Wochen ringe ich mit mir, habe schlaflose Nächte, bin nah am
Wasser gebaut und s...
After the Wedding Bells
We had a reception for our daughter
the same day as the wedding.
It was a completely full day but
our family and friends helped so mu...
Ventura Harbor
Almost the same photo I take every time we go...
It's a beautiful place, isn't it?
Take care,
As I mentioned last post, I need to update the fol...
Marimekko Turkish Towels
Many of these Turkish towels celebrate the 50 year anniversary of Annika
Rimala’s Tasaraita (Even Stripe) pattern. The pattern was first featured on
Inspired by Alison Glass
We just got this beautiful panel by Alison Glass in the shop. I keep
looking at it thinking about how much I love Alison’s color palette and how
I would lo...
Back to the art of Living
We are back!! Sorry for the extreme recovery time but we are busy setting
up a new eBay store, sewing new clothes and knitting. More stories to come!
My Picnic Quilt
Every once in awhile I make a quilt that I just fall in love with, this
happens to be one of those quilts!
I am sure many of you are familiar with Lori Hol...
Hi Friends, I don't usually send out these promo things, however, this one
was too good not to share! Click here to get the deal! Here is what you get
for ...
Tentang CV. Semar Karya
CV. Semar Karya adalah sebuah perusahaan perseroan komanditer yang dilator
belakangi semangat berwirausaha. Visi perusahaan ini adalah agar me...
Danuta D.
Hello, My order for the Cityblock rayon challis has arrived and I am
extremely happy with the fabric. The design and quality are superb, the
fabric is so f...
Happy 2016!
Instead of resolving to be a better blogger this year, I've decided to hang
it up... for now anyway. I am including a bunch of great pictures from the
ironing board cover tutorial
Hello, Friends! This tutorial is a re-post from several years ago, but I
thought I would post it again since I just made myself a new cover for my
ironing ...
Chair Love!!
Beautiful Wicker Chair, recovered with a lovely thick Hemp - from Surface
Art Fabrics, I love this chair, and will be sorry when it has been
We're moving the blog!
Hopefully you've heard about our new website - and that the new website
also houses our new blog. As such, we'll be shutting this one down soon
after we've...
Lark e-pattern
There's a new pattern waiting to be introduced...
The Lark e-pattern!
The Lark e-pattern is a sewing pattern to make a comfortable maxi cardi for
all s...
Little Robots
Hello everyone! It's Hannah writing to you today. Mom, Emma and I love our
small (but consistently adorable) selection of flannels here in the shop.
If yo...
New Blog Site!
We now have a new blog web site - please bookmark it to your favorites! It
is also easy to get to from our store:
Our new blog look:
Big & Botanical - two new interior scale prints
*Waratah in Coal & Snow - photo by Sean Fennessy*
Over at I&S we've been dying to release a couple of new designs but we've
been holding off, waiting for ...
Dress Up Days Pin Cushion
I wanted to be sure to let you know that Shari has a free Dress Up Days pin
cushion tutorial on her site. And, of course, you can find pre-cut fat
Pom Therapy
My brother-in-law, Sam, who passed away last month, came to crafting late
in his life. His daughter Mary-Louise, was getting married in July of last
year a...
Yay Super Bowl!
Really excited that we get to watch Super Bowl live here in Hong Kong ( at
an ungodly time though! ). And right after the game we'll be heading to
Super Bo... closing update...
First of all, we want to thank everyone for all the well wishes we've
received since making the announcement. You all are great and we'll miss
Just ...
a couple of weeks ago. i was reading ali's blog. and that she had made some
awesome memory keepers she made. i instantly knew i needed to make one for
E-reader covers
Today's entry is posted by Amy DeCesare of Delmont, PA... Lately I've been
hearing a lot about electronic devices...e-things and i-things...did you
get one...
Change Your Links
There's nothing happening here. I've moved, and if you want to see the Lace
Trench or any other fabulous projects, Reset Your Links Here So You Don't
Miss ...
Castles and Carriages
Castles and Carriages by LilyandEbony
Boutique Sugar3 Abracadabra!
Weekend Sale
- Friday and Saturday only (3/26 & 3/27), take an additional 10%* off of
our entire stock of:
*Cotton Prints*
This is a ...
Whipstitch Has Moved To A New Address!
Our blog has relocated to a new URL. Please update your feeders, and we'll
wait with excitement to see you over there!
Thanks a ton for sticking with us--w...
Pillow Capers
I really have lost my sewing mojo the last little while and decided to take
on some easy and gratifying stitching. In the few hours I've had in be...
Need a Tissue?
I've been getting lots of Etsy requests for tissue cozies, so I've made a
bunch up and just listed them in my Etsy shop.
I also forgot to mention that I'v...
This fun fabric has just started to arrive at online shops. Here's where to find it (and if you find any other sources, feel free to comment and I will add them to the post)