My Google Reader channels over 300 blogs and I think it's high time I shared some of them with you! I'm sure most of you are also avid blog readers and enjoy discovering new blogs as well. You may already follow some of these, but today let's look at blogs that either originate in France or are about things French. One word describes these blogs: beautiful.
This blog is in French and I don't read French. However, the photos are utterly inspiring and make this blog a must-see. You can always use a web translator (I use the "Translate Into My Language" feature in my Google Reader - it translates imperfectly but is helpful none-the-less)
An American in Paris who loves all things vintage and making things by hand. *sigh*

The author of Paris: Made By Hand, this is not a sewing or fabric blog but simply pretty and inspiring. She splits her time between Paris, Amsterdam and Sydney.